
Journal Articles

Poudrier, È. & Shanahan, D. (2025). The cognitive, affective, and motoric correlates of rhythmic complexity. Journal of New Music Research, 1–25.


Poudrier, È., Bell, B. J., Lee, J. Y. H., & Sapp, C. S. (2024). The influence of dissonance on listeners’ perceived emotions in rhythmically complex musical excerpts. Auditory Perception & Cognition, 7,(4), 291–318. June 17, 2024.


Conference Proceedings

Poudrier, È., Bell, B. J., Lee, J. Y. H., & Sapp, C. S. (2023a). Listeners' perceived emotions in human vs. synthetic performance of rhythmically complex musical excerpts. In Proceedings of the 16th International Symposium on Computer Music Multidisciplinary Research, 13–17 November 2023, Tokyo, Japan, pp. 599–610. CMMR 2023 & Laboratory PRISM, Marseille, France. Published online: 23 November 2023.


Poudrier, È., Bell, B. J., Lee, J. Y. H., & Sapp, C. S. (2023b). Listeners' perceived emotions in musical excerpts with ordered vs. randomized pitch and register. In 4th International Symposium on the Internet of Sounds, Pisa, Italy, 2023, pp. 1–9. IEEE. Published online: 4 December 2023.


Poudrier, È. & Sapp, C. S. (2022). Polyrhythm analysis using the composite tool. In International Conference on Digital Libraries for Musicology,July 28, 2022, Prague, Czech Republic. ACM, New York, NY, USA.


Poudrier, È., Sapp, C. S., & Shanahan, D. (2021). The cognitive and affective correlates of rhythmic complexity. In ICMPC ESCOM 2021: Connectivity and diversity in music cognition, 28-31 July 2021.


Poudrier, È. & Shanahan, D. (2018). Modeling rhythmic complexity in a corpus of polyrhythm examples from Europe and America, 1900-1950. In R. Parncutt & S. Sattmann (Eds.), Proceedings of the 15th International Conference on Music Perception and Cognition and the 10th Conference of the European Society for the Cognitive Sciences of Music Conference, Montreal, Canada, 23-28 July 2018.


Web Resources

In Progress

Poudrier, È., & Bell, B. J. Perceived musical qualities in 20th-century musical excerpts.

Poudrier, È. Polyrhythm classification using the composite tool.

Poudrier, È. & Sapp, C. S. Polyrhythm in the works of twenty composers from Western Europe to North America, 1900-1950: The Suter (1980) Corpus.